SnapCard spray app

Page last updated: Friday, 17 March 2023 - 10:23am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

SnapCard is a combined smartphone and website app, is free and was developed to assist growers and crop consultants to make smarter decisions on when and how to apply pesticides most efficiently. With your smartphone, you can now use SnapCard to quantify spray coverage from a water sensitive spray card. In addition you can also keep archive records of your spray settings and coverages.


Spray applications represent an important cost to grain growers. Previously there were no quantitative procedures available to estimate efficacy and performance. Simply because a crop was sprayed with an insecticide does not mean the infestation problem was solved. In fact, ineffective treatments can exacerbate growers’ problems in the long term through selection for resistance.

Often during spray applications weather scenarios can have negative impacts on spray applications that can lead to almost zero spray deposition — so why waste the resources?

SnapCard promotional brochure cover  SnapCard

There is also a need for growers to audit the quality of spray applications conducted by contracted spray applicators – were corners missed? Were spray applications conducted according to expected standards?

In short, we need to have a better understanding of how variables, especially weather variables, affect spray coverage. Then we can ensure spray applications are conducted under the most suitable conditions and are as effective as possible.

SnapCard provides growers with access to a valuable decision support tool that can be used in two important ways:

It will predict spray coverage based on “current” conditions; time of day, tractor speed, spray nozzles, spray volume, boom height, adjuvants, and weather conditions

SnapCard compares obtained spray coverage, measured by water sensitive spray cards, with “expected” spray coverage based on agronomic variables, weather conditions, and spray settings.

SnapCard spray settings screen
SnapCard spray settings screen


SnapCard spray card coverage screen
SnapCard spray card coverage screen

SnapCard was developed by The University of Western Australia and the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia and will enable growers to predict spray coverage based on agronomic variables, weather conditions, and spray settings. You will be able to quantify and interpret obtained spray coverage giving you better pest control, reduced risk of pesticide resistance development and optimisation of spray application costs by introducing an auditable quality control procedure.  Please login to the SnapCard application website for download and account creation instructions.


Christian Nansen

As an Associate Professor in applied entomology, Christian Nansen was affiliated with The University of Western Australia (UWA) in Perth and is now based in California at UC Davis. ​ 

Rob Emery

Mr Emery has over 40 years of service with the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) during which time he has acquired extensive knowledge and experience over the broad spectrum of economic entomology. 

Mr Emery has led the Department of Agriculture stored grain insect research group who are world leaders in the management and eradication of resistant grain insects. Nowhere else in the world relies so heavily on fumigation for grain insect control through out the central handling system and on-farm and Mr Emery's research into resistance test methods, management of the national resistance monitoring and extension strategies have minimised and eradicated the development of strong resistance to phosphine. 

These strategies have contributed to Western Australia being the only state capable of exporting its entire harvest without the use of contact insecticides.


Nicolas Garel

Nicolas Garel has more than 10 years experience as a software engineer specialising in the mobile industry. He is passionate about programming and new technology. 

He produced several internal apps mostly for the agriculture industry and has managed his own business ngperceptive since 2012. 

His role in SnapCard was to research and develop a cross platform application synchronisable to a backend database.


Rob Emery