This prediction is based on DPIRD’s Blackspot Manager model using weather data from 1 January 2020 to 8 June 2020 from the nearest weather station.
Sowing time can depend on a range of factors and it is recommended to consult an agronomist to determine the optimal sowing window for your situation.
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Key to blackspot severity scores
Blackspot risk | 5 out of 10 years | 3 out of 10 years | 1 out of 10 years |
Low | 2 | 5 | 15 |
Medium | 20 | 25 | 35 |
High | 25 | 30 | 50 |
Avalon Airport
Rainfall to date: 295.4 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 85
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Rainfall to date: 325 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 110
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Rainfall to date: 315.2 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 97
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Beulah West (Hopetoun)
Rainfall to date: 157.1 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 67
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Rainfall to date: 199 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 69
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Rainfall to date: 240.5 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 99
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Derrinallum (Leslie Manor)
Rainfall to date: 297.2 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 108
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Rainfall to date: 207.7 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 92
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Rainfall to date: 229.4 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 107
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Mildura Airport
Rainfall to date: 101.2 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 37
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | High | Medium | Medium |
Molyullah (Benalla)
Rainfall to date: 423.5 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 104
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Rainfall to date: 203.6 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 70
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 Jun | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Rainfall to date: 199.9 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 74
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Swan Hill Aerodrome
Rainfall to date: 148.8 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 61
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Rainfall to date: 163.2 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 78
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Warranooke (Marnoo)
Rainfall to date: 201.5 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 81
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Rainfall to date: 223.2 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 74
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
Yatchaw (Hamilton)
Rainfall to date: 271.2 mm. Days with significant stubble moisture: 109
Forecast for crops sown on | 8 June | 15 June | 22 June |
Blackspot risk | Low | Low | Low |
More information
For more information contact Dr Joshua Fanning at at Agriculture Victoria Research on ph +61 (0)3 4344 3335.