Rural Business Development Corporation (RBDC)

Page last updated: Friday, 10 January 2025 - 2:45pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The role of the Rural Business Development Corporation (RBDC) is to properly and fairly administer assistance schemes for the rural sector on behalf of the State and delivers other services for the benefit of rural industry.

The RBDC Act allows the RBDC to administer any 'approved assistance scheme' - any scheme that states the purpose and nature of financial assistance, identifies the categories of persons eligible for financial assistance and is approved by both the Minister and the Treasurer. The RBDC also provides advice to the Minister on a range of rural issues.

RBDC logo

Note: Expression of Interest for the position of Rural Business Development Corporation Board Director closed at 5pm on Monday 10 June 2024.  Please contact the team on should you have any queries.

Open Schemes of Assistance

Farm Debt Mediation Scheme (WA)

Currently open for applications. For more information refer to the Farm Debt Mediation Scheme page.

WA Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program

The State Government's $15 million Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program (CF-LRP) aims to realise agriculture's potential to sequester carbon in the landscape and contribute to growing the WA carbon market.

Further detail on the program, including open rounds and the latest information, is available here