Canola response to plant density at Holt Rock 2013 trial report

Page last updated: Friday, 1 November 2019 - 3:31pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Trial details

  • Property: Hy-Yakka, Holt Rock - Brent and Clare Hyde.
  • Agzone 5: Growing season rainfall (GSR) = 256 millimetres (mm).
  • Soil type: Loam (1.17% organic carbon).
  • Paddock rotation: 2012- barley, 2011 - barley, 2010 - wheat, 2009 - lupins.
  • Sowing date: 16 May 2013.
  • Fertiliser (kg/ha): 100 Agstar (14.3% N, 14.0% P, 9.6%, 0.6% Zn ) drilled below the seed at seeding, 120 kilogram per hectare (kg/ha) of Muriate of Potash and 400kg/ha of gypsum (17% Ca, 14% S) topdressed over whole site four weeks after seeding.

Treatment detail

32 treatments:

  • Two herbicide tolerant systems: Triazine Tolerant (TT) and Roundup Ready (RR) canola.
  • Four cultivars.
  • TT = Open pollinated - CB Telfer; and Hybrid - Hyola 450TT.
  • RR = Open pollinated - GT Viper; and Hybrid - Hyola 404RR.
  • Eight densities: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60 80 plants/m2.
  • Trial design: Split plot design, with herbicide tolerance (HT) as main plots and cultivars x eight plant density as sub plots.
  • Replications: three.

Assumptions used in gross margins

  • Oil bonus: +/- 1.5% per unit of oil (%) either side of 42%, with no oil ceiling.
  • Additional costs: Seeding, harvest, insecticides assumed to be $100/ha.
  • Nitrogen costs: $1/kg, application costs $8/ha per application.
  • RR costs: Seed $31/kg, herbicides $28/ha.
  • RR price: Grain worth $479/t (CBH Pool Albany 5 November 2013).
  • TT costs: Seed $2/kg, herbicides $47/ha.
  • TT price: Grain worth $502/t (CBH Pool Albany 5 November 2013).

Contact information

Raj Malik
+61 (0)8 9821 3247