SheepLinks - FEED365

Page last updated: Friday, 12 July 2024 - 2:50pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

FEED365 is a four-year project (2021–2025) under the SheepLinks program that engages sheep producers and allied industries to re-design livestock forage systems for grazing all-year-round in Mediterranean environments.

The SheepLinks program is a partnership between the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and the Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), to underpin the future prosperity of the sheep industry in Western Australia.

FEED365 spring field day 2024 - Tuesday 17 September

Forage systems for year-round grazing

Join us at DPIRD's Katanning Research Station for the FEED365 spring field day. For more information view the flyer and register today.

FEED365 aims to create resilient sheep production systems to enable farmers to increase livestock returns by grazing quality (preferably green) forage all year round with minimal supplementary feeding.


  • To re-design the pasture/forage systems in the wheatbelt of WA to be more productive and resilient in the face of a drying climate and increasing seasonal variability.
  • To measure the impact of trees in the landscape on pasture productivity.

The desired long-term outcome of the project is to reduce supplementary feeding costs of a typical mixed farming business by 30% and lift on-farm profitability by 10%.

Key activities

FEED365 will evaluate forage species from a wide selection of traditional and novel species under grazing at the DPIRD Katanning Research Station (see photos 1 and 2). These include:

  • perennial legumes and grasses
  • annual legumes and grasses
  • specialist winter forages such as forage brassicas and forage cereals
  • grazing crops
  • opportunistic summer forages such as C4 tropical grasses
  • crop stubbles
  • shrubs.

Research site - B14

Paddock B14 at Katanning Research Station with 26 half-hectare grazing paddocks - 5 November 2021
Katanning Research Station - B14 field plans

Research site - B1

Paddock B1 at Katanning Research Station with 22 half-hectare grazing paddocks – 14 September 2021
Katanning Research Station - B1 field plans

The project will also partner with the Grower Group Alliance and individual grower groups on satellite demonstration sites which will give producers a chance to be directly involved in the research and see the results firsthand.

FEED365 total species list

FEED365 total species list
Total species Accessions per forage type Forage type Species
1 1 Legumes Tedera
2 2 Legumes Lucerne
3 3 Legume Sulla
4 4 Herb Chicory
5 5 Herb Plantain
6 6 Grasses Kikuyu
7 7 Grasses Panic (Megamax)
8 8 Grasses Tall Wheat Grass
9 9 Grasses Paspalum notatum
10 10 Grasses Tall fescue (winter active)
11 11 Grasses Cocksfoot (winter active)
12 12 Grasses Veldt Grass
    Natives grasses
13 1 Native grasses C3 - Microlaena
14 2 Native grasses C3 - Austrodanthonia caespitosa
15 3 Native grasses C4 - Kangaroo grass
    Broad-leaf Annuals
16 1 Legumes Subclover
17 2 Legumes Biserrula
18 3 Legumes Bladder clover
19 4 Legumes Balansa
20 5 Legumes Gland
21 6 Legumes Crimson
22 7 Legumes Arrow leaf
23 8 Legumes Rose Clover
24 9 Legumes Vetch (Vicia sativa)
25 10 Legumes Vetch (Vicia villosa)
26 11 Legumes Vetch (Vicia benghalensis)
27 12 Legumes Lotus angustissimus
28 13 Legumes French Serradella Soft
29 15 Legumes Yellow Serradella
30 16 Herbs IMI winter canola
31 17 Herbs Forage  Kale
32 18 Herbs Spring Canola
33 19 Herbs Quinoa
    Annual grasses/cereals
34 1 Grasses Annual Ryegrass diploid
35 2 Grasses Annual Ryegrass Tetraploid
36 3 Cereals Wheat
37 4 Cereals Barley
38 5 Cereals Cereal Rye
39 6 Cereals Triticale
40 7 Cereals Oats
    Summer crops
41 1 Grasses Sudan hybrids
42 2 Grasses Sorghum x sudan
43 3 Grasses Echinocloa esculenta
44 4 Grasses Echinocloa frumentacea
45 5 Grasses Pennisetum glaucum
46 6 Grasses Setaria italica
47 7 Legumes Cowpea
48 8 Legumes Centrosema
49 9 Legumes Lablab
50 10 Legumes Desmanthus
51 11 Herbs Sunflower
52 12 Herbs Forage Rape
53 1 Legumes Leucaena
54 2 Legumes Tagasaste
55 3 Legumes Indigofera australis
56 4 Herb Oldman Saltbush
57 5 Herb Ruby Saltbush
58 6 Herb River Saltbush
59 7 Herb Blue Bush
60 8 Herb Rhagodia
61 9 Herb Bladder Saltbush
62 10 Herb Creeping Saltbush
63 11 Herb Tar bush

Podcast episode: The FEED365 Project


DPIRD Feedbase Pasture Researcher Daniel Real talks about the FEED365 project and solving a common problem for farmers in the West Midlands region and across WA: early and late season feed gaps. Joined by West Midlands Group’s Simon Kruger and Melanie Dixon the episode gives an insight into FEED365, the first phase of research, and how this innovative and far-reaching project will be working with farmers across WA, aiming to eliminate the need for confinement feeding in periods of low feed quality and availability.

Listen here

PaddockChat podcast developed by the West Midlands Group.

Contact information

For more information or details about the SheepLinks FEED365 project, please contact Senior Research Scientist Daniel Real at or phone +61 (0)409 016 422.

Contact information

Daniel Real