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Plant traceability focus for new research project

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Tuesday, 29. September 2020 - 9:15

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is leading a national study to examine improved traceability systems for plant produce. 

DPIRD Chief Plant Biosecurity Officer Sonya Broughton said traceability was becoming increasingly important in managing biosecurity, proving the authenticity of food origins, and in promoting food safety.

“There are a lot of systems that exist already throughout Australia and internationally,” Dr Broughton said.

“We will be scanning both locally and globally to look at what has been developed and what systems have potential to be effectively incorporated into various farm production systems and more broadly for industry.

“Types of traceability systems that are used include blockchain, the use of Property Identification Codes and stickers with details of the property of origin.”

The project has received $155,000 funding under the Australian Government’s Traceability Grants Program, which support projects that will enhance agricultural supply chain traceability systems.

In collaboration with Plant Health Australia, DPIRD will be working with industry to prepare an inventory of the existing management of plant produce across supply chains and review available and innovative technologies and tools to support a national traceability system.

A desktop review will be undertaken of how other countries manage plant produce through supply chains, with the aim of identifying systems suitable for consideration by industry and government for adoption in Australia.

“We are keen to trial traceability systems with growers,” Dr Broughton said.

“We will be working closely with Plant Health Australia in engaging with industry to build knowledge around traceability through supply chains to underpin market access.”


Media contact:

Jodie Thomson/Megan Broad, DPIRD media liaison             +61 (0) 8 9368 3937