The Department of Agriculture and Food is asking the public to report sightings of declared pest, the rainbow lorikeet, in the Bunbury area.
Department of Agriculture and Food biosecurity officer James Sheehan said there had been recent confirmed sightings of small flocks of rainbow lorikeets from Dalyellup to Bunbury and Australind.
“We do not want this bird pest to become established in the South West and we ask the public to help by reporting any sightings of these birds,” Mr Sheehan said.
Rainbow lorikeets are often seen and heard feeding on flowering and fruiting trees early in the morning. They are noisy and have a call distinct from native parrots.
They will often return to the same feeding and roosting areas daily so any reports of their movement can be helpful.
Rainbow lorikeets are not native to the South West and can be a serious agricultural and urban pest. They are known to foul vehicles and outdoor living areas, compete aggressively with native birds for food and create nuisance noise.
“They have impacted horticultural production in the Swan Valley and Perth Hills, where ongoing control is now required to manage these birds,” Mr Sheehan said.
Rainbow lorikeets have a purple head, orange beak and breast, purple belly and yellow collar. They have a swift direct flight with rapid whirring wing beats and display flashes of dark green and bright red.
Residents in the Bunbury area are urged to report sightings to Mr Sheehan on 0427 449 103 or to the department’s Bunbury office on 9780 6100.
Further information is available from the department website search for ‘rainbow lorikeets’.
Media contact: Jodie Thomson, media liaison +61 (0)8 9368 3937