Christopher Ham
Senior Development Officer
Chris Ham

My role in the department

Chris works in the West Kimberley and Pilbara Irrigated Agriculture team representing the department across the North West of Western Australia, providing advice, information on products and conducting research to support our agricultural and horticultural industries. Outside the Ord River Irrigation Area, the majority of irrigation developments are on pastoral land focussed on fodder production. Chris’s team support regional development and research to address emerging management issues related irrigated fodder production systems and also provide support to local horticultural industries.

Chris' work includes supporting proponents with new and expanding projects, applying technical expertise to create innovative solutions to increase productivity, biosecurity awareness and analysis of profitability and farming systems. 

Contact information

(08) 9194 1424
+61 (0)427 085 110

My background

Chris has been with the department since 2006. Chris previously worked for the Northern Territory government in irrigated crop research, as a technical officer and later managing the irrigation research program.

In recent years Chris managed the Regional Economic Development Water Opportunities (REDWO) project for the Western Australian government. The project focussed on the potential for irrigation expansion in the East and West Kimberley and the information, support and resources that developers required to be successful.




  • Novel agronomic practices to achieve productive and profitable viticulture in northern Australia
  • Pastoral Irrigated Agriculture project – Northern Beef Development program

Key Expertise

tropical agricultural field crops, fodder, irrigation of pastoral systems


  • BS in Agriculture, University of Adelaide
  • Grad in Rural Systems Management, University of Queensland

My articles

Wednesday, 7 September 2022 - 2:31pm
Wednesday, 7 September 2022 - 11:04am
Wednesday, 25 January 2023 - 9:36am
