My role in the department
I am a Research Officer in DPIRD's crop protection group specialising in plant parasitic nematode issues under the guidance of Dr Sarah Collins. I am a project leader of a COGGO funded project investigating the resistance of oats to the two most commonly found root lesion nematodes in broadacre crops in Western Australia, Pratylenchus neglectus and P. quasitereoides. I also work on two nationally co-ordinated GRDC funded projects which are principally investigating yield loss caused by root lesion nematodes in broadacre crops. I have also conducted research on horticulturally significant plant parasitic nematodes (Meloidogyne spp and P. penetrans) in Western Australia and on the potential of a plant parasitic nematode which is causing significant issues in the turf industry, Southern Sting Nematode (Ibipora lolii), to cause issues in horticultural crops.
My background
I have over 25 years experience in research on plant pests and pathogens in WA.
I joined DPIRD nematology in 2012 to conduct research for irrigated agricultural on a national project focused on potential crop impacts and rotational options for growers impacted by root-knot nematodes. More recently I have been involved in trials testing the effect of root lesion nematodes on broadacre crops. I have conducted glasshouse trials on the susceptibility of a range of horticultural crops to sting and root-root knot nematodes.
I have over ten years’ experience working on detecting, monitoring and controlling Phytophthora in native ecosystems. During this time I was a project leader investigating fungicides to control Phytophthora cinnamomi in native vegetation. I also worked in California using PCR and real-time technology to detect P. ramorum, a recently introduced aerial plant pathogen.
- Resistance of milling and hay oats to root lesion nematodes Pratylenchus neglectus and P. quasitereoides in Western Australia. COGGO funded project.
- Yield loss response curves for host resistance to leaf, crown and root diseases in wheat and barley. GRDC funded project - DAW00245
- National nematode epidemiology and management program. GRDC funded project - DAV00128
- National improved molecular diagnostics for disease management. GRDC funded project - DAS00137
Key Expertise
- BSc (Biological Sciences) with first class Honours, Murdoch University