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Weather stations app

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's (DPIRD) network of automatic weather stations throughout the state provide timely, relevant and local weather data to assist growers.

We're in the process of creating a new weather stations app with many features, including improved navigation and greater functionality. 

The first version of the new app will be available on iOS devices in 2023, with Android available in early 2024. It will offer simple access to the latest information on weather, spray conditions and evaporation. Graphics have been upgraded to improve readability. Later versions will add charts and other features.

The app also has a link to a survey for you to provide feedback on preferred features.

Our weather stations remain available on our weather website at: https://weather.agric.wa.gov.au and via the ServiceWA app: www.wa.gov.au/government/multi-step-guides/servicewa-app-support.

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Weather stations app

The app draws on live data from more than 200 weather stations from the Kimberley to the South Coast, including the metropolitan area. Most of these are DPIRD stations, however we also host stations from Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) and Department of Biodivisersity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA). It does not require a login account.

Stations can be selected from the full list alphabetically. Once selected, a station can be saved as a favourite. Later versions will use your phone’s location service to find nearby stations.

The weather stations report every 5 minutes. Observations include air temperature, humidity, rainfall, solar radiation, wind speed and direction, with many stations also measuring soil temperature.

There are also derived variables for agricultural purposes, such as delta-T for spraying decisions, and evapotranspiration for irrigation scheduling. Chill hours and Richardson chill units will be added later.

Wind speeds and direction are shown as an average for the past 10 minutes. 


  • Alphabetical list of DPIRD, DBCA and DFES stations
  • Favourite stations can be saved
  • Shows live weather data and derived data such as spray conditions and evaporation
  • Survey link for feedback
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