iPhone shell
Stripe Rust iOS
StripeRust Touch icon


Stripe rust management app for wheat. StripeRustWM uses a forecasting model to assist wheat growers with fungicide application decisions, on a paddock by paddock basis, and the likely economic returns from those decisions.

The user can specify individual paddock data as well as expected weather conditions so that the output relates to their own cropping circumstances.

To download the StripeRustWM App, click on the App store link below from your iPad, or the Google play link below from your Android tablet.

ios Store Android app store



StripeRustWM helps you manage stripe rust disease in Australian wheat crops. StripeRustWM draws on several years of field trials and observations, as well as experimental data and expert knowledge from researchers and agronomists to forecast the likely result and economic return of spraying for this problematic disease. StripeRustWM takes account of costs, yield benefits, grain price and seasonal conditions to give you the best case, worst case and most likely estimates of fungicide control. It is important when using the App, to have the most current variety resistance rating for your variety. For current varietal resistance ratings for your state  refer to Cereal Disease Guides.

Stripe rust is a difficult disease to predict, and the app takes into account that it is highly influenced by seasonal conditions. StripeRustWM will give growers and consultants more confidence in decisions about whether to invest in spraying for the disease. The App is to be continually updated to reflect new experimental results as they become available.



  • Multiple options which allow the user to enter parameters that best reflect their circumstances.
  • Determines the likely stripe rust severity, yield loss and economic return from the parameters entered
  • Can compare different management strategies
  • Considers complex interactions that affect the disease
iPhone shell
Strip Rust Android