
The PestFax Map shows occurences of pests and diseases reported.

This Boosting Biosecurity Defences project has partnered with grains industry stakeholders and the wider community to improve Western Australian grains industry pest and disease surveillance, diagn

White rot of Allium species (caused by Sclerotium cepivorum) has been confirmed in garlic from a Perth backyard and a property in the Swan Valley.

MyPestGuide Grapes Touch icon

Growers and the general community can now use their smartphone and tablet devices to identify and report pests and diseases in their grapevines.

The PestFax Reporter app lets you quickly and easily report observations, and request diagnoses, of pests and diseases in your crop and pasture paddocks to the PestFacts WA service.

These tools, calculators and resources are designed to help producers manage their ewe flock more effectively and make better management decisions about feed budgeting and grazing.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's (DPIRD) network of automatic weather stations and radars throughout the state provide timely, relevant and local weather data to assi

Calibrate your bait spreaders estimate baits per square metre with a single photo.


BlacklegCM is a tool designed to assist growers and consultants to determine the best and most profitable management strategy to reduce blackleg disease and increase profits.

SclerotiniaCM icon

SclerotiniaCM uses a forecasting model to assist canola growers with fungicide application decisions, on a paddock by paddock basis, and the likely economic returns from those decisions.

Red imported fire ant (RIFA), Solenopsis invicta, is one of the most serious and invasive ant pests in the world, because of its harmful effects on people, agriculture, flora and fauna, in

Blackspot in field peas can occur in three ways; from infected seed, through the soil or most commonly, through infected pea stubble.

The DPIRD blackleg forecast model predicts the dates of spore maturation on canola stubble. Spore showers will commence soon after the spores are mature in the fruiting bodies.

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