
The mean site yield was 1.4t/ha and there was no difference in yield between Mace and Hydra wheat.

The following information is a summary of the presentation 'Farm machinery – understanding the true cost and getting the best value out of machinery' delivered by department economists at the 2015

Blue-green algae blooms thrive in warm, calm, shallow bodies of water where the water is hard, alkaline and rich in nitrogen, phosphates, carbonates, and organic matter.

This web article describes the most common diseases of citrus trees and their control using natural or low-toxic methods.

This is a visual guide to a thorough chicken necropsy. Correct necropsy and sampling will increase the likelihood of a definitive diagnosis.

Monitoring water quality and quantity is vital to sustain stock condition during summer and to prevent illness and possible death from toxic pollutants.

Choosing the right stocking rate for your property is vital.

The land is in your hands is targeted at small landholders throughout Western Australia and aims to promote a better understanding of the importance of caring for the land and bei

The quality of any new pasture will be a reflection of the time and preparation you devote to establishment.

Keeping pigs as pets or for production can be an extremely rewarding experience.

African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious virus that causes an often fatal disease in pigs and wild boar.

The Agriculture and Food Division of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) has worked with regional natural resource management (NRM) groups to establish carbon farm

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is planning for the future of irrigated agriculture development in the Pilbara

Seed of Roundup ready (RR) and hybrid varieties can be up to 30 times more expensive than retained seed of open pollinated (OP) triazine tolerant (TT) varieties, so getting the seed rate right is e

Looking to buy a small rural property? Have you thought about the time, money and effort needed to manage it?

This trial looked at the impact of plant density response in low rainfall canola. The trial found that birds preferentially attacked low density treatments and late maturing variety Hyola 450TT.

This trial looked at plant density in low rainfall canola.

Eperythrozoonosis is a disease in sheep and goats caused by the bacterium mycoplasma ovis (formerly known as eperythrozoon ovis).

This trial investigated options for improving production from retained, hybrid and open pollinated canola seed; grading harder, buying new seed, increasing the seed rate, mixing retained and new se

This trial looked at plant density response of canola in the medium rainfall area of Katanning.

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