
Bovine anaemia due to Theileria orientalis group (BATOG) is a disease of cattle that is caused by the blood parasite Theileria orientalis and spread by the bush tick (Haemaphy

Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is normally produced by bacteria in the rumen of cattle and sheep on well-balanced roughage diets.

Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in cattle is a complex disease that is caused by bovine pestivirus.

Previous research in high rainfall zones or above average seasons has shown that in cases where leaf spot disease levels are high very early, fungicide application at or before first node (Z31) is

For successful management of sclerotinia stem rot in most years it is critical to target fungicides at early stage of bloom (20-30%), but optimal timing can vary depending on the season, in particu

Leaf spot diseases affecting wheat in Western Australia are septoria nodorum blotch, yellow spot and septoria tritici blotch.

Western Australia has a well-deserved reputation for producing healthy livestock that are free of diseases and residues that could harm human health or damage our markets.

 ‘One Health’ is an internationally supported approach that recognises that the health and well-being of animals, people and the environment are closely linked and that international, national and

Seed dressing and in-furrow fungicides contain active ingredients for the control or suppression of seed-borne diseases, some fungal foliar diseases and some fungal root rots in cereal crops.

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