
Previous experience with canola has found there is no yield penalty if nitrogen is applied within eight weeks of sowing and most farmers aim to apply nitrogen within this timeframe.

Canola is now being grown in low rainfall areas. Primarily farmers choose open pollinated TT varieties.

In the trial series at Grass Patch, Ballidu, Merredin and Holt Rock, the highest grain yields, oil and gross margins were from the open pollinated variety, so growers should continue to use open po

The Report card on sustainable natural resource use in agriculture: status and trend in the agricultural areas of the south-west of Western Australia was produced by the Department of Prim

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development operates a sensitive sites service to identify the locations of sensitive commercial production systems across Western Australia's agri

Even when sowing in April into drying soil, sowing canola at 1cm produced higher establishment than sowing at 3cm or 7cm.

Myrtle rust is a serious disease that infects and kills many plants belonging to the Myrtaceae family including eucalypts, bottlebrushes, paperbarks and peppermint trees.

Codling moth (Cydia pomonella) is a serious pest of apples and other pome fruit and has the potential to cause severe crop losses.

Yield of chickpea crop-topped at the right time to control weed seed set was 59% of the unsprayed control.

Lupin yielded 3.0t/ha and canola 2.0t/ha from late May emergence.

Lupin gross margins were competitive with canola, and lupin gave the highest return on investment.

40% lower germination was measured from seed of plants exposed to wetting and drying at maturity.

Brown spot is a fungal disease caused by Nothophoma quercina. It affects jujubes in Western Australia and has been reported in olives, pistachios and Chinese quince in other countries.

A snapshot of some of the latest news and seasonal advice from the department for Western Australian farm businesses in the grains sector.

Yield was highest from earlier sown plants; mid-May sown plants yielded only 18% of those sown in mid-April.

Lupins should be harvested as soon as they are mature to minimise significant yield loss.

Managing saline dryland (rainfed, not irrigated) can provide many benefits: increased whole-farm productivity, reduced on-farm and off-farm degradation, and protection of landscape and community va

The Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA) is suitable for growing bananas.

Tissue culture is the best method for propagating bananas. It ensures they are true to type and free from pests and diseases.

Bananas need a lot of water to grow well. To irrigate the crop efficiently you need to measure soil water content.

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