What is in NRInfo?
NRInfo is a source of natural resource maps and data derived from databases maintained by DPIRD and other government agencies, including Landgate; Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage; Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety; Department of Water and Environmental Regulation; Environmental Protection Authority; and Geoscience Australia.
We recommend that you read the information below before going to the NRInfo map application for the first time.
To get started straight away
Mapping themes in NRInfo
- soil-landscapes, land systems, land capability, land qualities and data confidence
- hydrology (natural drainage lines and surface water catchments; hydrozones for groundwater trend and salinity risk assessment)
- native vegetation (type, pre-European extent, current extent, interim biogeographic regions of Australia).
Additional layers of information
- OpenStreetMap
- aerial and satellite imagery
- topographic contours
- digital elevation model (DEM)
New pastoral station layer
Click on the Administrative/Properties icon, and choose Pastoral properties. At the right scale, all the named Western Australian pastoral stations will be visible. In this view, switch off the other layers. With the cursor over a station, clicking will open a window showing the property ID; property name; and the property area in hectares. There is also a link to the Pastoral remote sensing web page, for up-to-date seasonal information for every WA pastoral station.
Please note
For soil-landscape mapping
- This mapping is periodically updated. Note the date that this information is accessed.
- The soil-landscape maps and other features reliant on it are designed for use at publication scales, typically between 1:50 000 and 1:250 000; the scale and method of linework capture will influence how uniform a map unit is and accuracy of the lines.
- The underlying data is of varying quality and will influence accuracy of the descriptions and attributions.
- This information is appropriate for regional and strategic planning, and for identifying areas for more intensive assessment.
For hydrozones
- Hydrozones are based on the soil-landscape zone mapping. However, there are instances where adjacent soil-landscape zones are differentiated by soil or landform attributes that vary at a finer scale than is required for regional groundwater assessments. Where this occurs, the soil-landscape zones are aggregated to form a single hydrozone.
For vegetation mapping
- The pre-European vegetation mapping is designed for use at publication scale, 1:250 000, and as such, is useful for broad scale area mapping only.
Always use other sources of information and professional advice with these maps
These maps are only a starting point for assessing particular areas of land. Because of the scale of the mapping, ground-level assessments are required to ensure that unique features of any area of land are understood. Users should not make significant decisions relying only on information obtained from this mapping and data: make your own investigations, consult relevant property owners and obtain updated professional advice relevant to individual circumstances.
Other help
Please refer to our frequently asked questions about NRInfo content.