Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Balanced plant nutrition is essential to achieving high yields of quality strawberries.

With the onset of summer, it’s time to put out European wasp traps to help prevent the declared pest from establishing in Western Australia.

Home gardeners are reminded to pick any unwanted fruit from their trees and off the ground as part of a variety of activities required to guard against Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly) this summer.

Feb 2015
12 December 2014

Calf-O-Rama calving workshops will be held in Esperance on 3 February, Mt Barker on 4 February and Manjimup on 5 February 2015.

Feb 2015
12 December 2014

Calf-O-Rama calving workshops will be held in Esperance on 3 February, Mt Barker on 4 February and Manjimup on 5 Feb.


Feb 2015
12 December 2014

Calf-O-Rama calving workshops will be held in Esperance on 3 February, Mt Barker on 4 February and Manjimup on 5 February 2015.

There is opportunity to expand fresh, crisp and seed potato production through increased winter cropping in the Mid West between Lancelin and Dongara. Such expansion will create opportunities for i

The public is urged to report sightings of unusual birds following a recent confirmed blackbird sighting in the Donnybrook area.

For the first time in 50 years, new soil maps that cover the whole nation have been produced and are available online.

Many people are surprised to learn that freesias and some of the other attractive spring-flowering plants that grow from corms and bulbs in the bush are exotic weeds.

Many exotic plants from overseas and elsewhere in Australia, escape from properties and invade natural habitats in Western Australia.

This web article is for home gardeners and looks at the quality of groundwater from well or bores.

These days with concerns about the environment and their own health, many people are preferring natural alternatives over synthetic chemicals.

When the garden suffers a severe disease or an insect infestation, it is tempting to seek a quick fix by turning to synthetic chemicals.

Groundcovers are like a living mulch in terms of the useful roles they serve in the garden.

Bindii weed, onehunga (pronounced oh-nee-hunga after a New Zealand Maori place name) and jo-jo are alternative names for a troublesome lawn weed (Soliva pterosperma) which is now widesprea

Roses grow exceptionally well in the Mediterranian climate of south west, Western Australia.

Cockroaches are primitive and highly successful animals and their general body form has changed little in the past 300 million years.

Slaters are also known as woodlice, sowbugs and pill bugs. They are crustaceans and are related to marine crabs, lobsters and prawns but are adapted to living on land.

Nematodes are common soil pests that affect plants.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am