Hylotrupes bajulus (Linné, 1758)
Callidium affinis Savenius, 1825, Callidium baiulus Fabricius, 1781, Callidium bajulus Brullé, 1832, Callidium bajulus Brullé, 1839, Callidium bajulus Castelnau, 1840, Callidium bajulus Fabricius, 1775, Callidium bajulus Fabricius, 1793, Callidium bajulus Fabricius, 1801, Callidium bajulus Harris, 1838, Callidium bajulus Harris, 1841, Callidium bajulus Laicharting, 1784, Callidium bajulus Olivier, 1790, Callidium bajulus Olivier, 1795, Callidium bajulus Schönherr, 1817, Callidium linneianum Laicharting, 1784, Callidium puellum Villa, 1833, Cerambyx bajulus Gmelin, 1790, Cerambyx bajulus Linné, 1758, Cerambyx bajulus Linné, 1761, Cerambyx bajulus Linné, 1767, Cerambyx bajulus Poda, 1761, Cerambyx bajulus Schrank, 1781, Cerambyx caudatus Degeer, 1775, Cerambyx latithorax Voet, 1778, Cerambyx scutifer Voet, 1778, Cerambyx similis Marsham, 1802, Hylotrupes baiulus Haldeman, 1847, Hylotrupes baiulus bullatus Haldeman, 1847, Hylotrupes bajalus Blatchley, 1910, Hylotrupes bajula Blackwelder, 1946, Hylotrupes bajulus theresæ Pic, 1924, Hylotrupes bayulus Pedroni, 1999, Hylotrupes bullatus LeConte, 1850, Hylotrupes bullatus Melsheimer, 1853, Hylotrupes inaequalis Lingafelter et al., 2014, Hylotrupes incertus Casey, 1924, Hylotrupes incertus Lingafelter et al., 2014, Hylotrupes inæqualis Casey, 1924, Hylotrupes koziorowiczi Desbrochers, 1873, Hylotrupes latus Casey, 1924, Hylotrupes latus Lingafelter et al., 2014, Hylotrupes minutus Casey, 1924, Hylotrupes minutus Lingafelter et al., 2014, Hylotrupes nematocerus Casey, 1924, Hylotrupes nematocerus Lingafelter et al., 2014, Hylotrupes pedicellatus Casey, 1924, Hylotrupes pedicellatus Lingafelter et al., 2014, Hylotrupes puncticollis Casey, 1924, Hylotrupes puncticollis Lingafelter et al., 2014, Hylotrypes bajulus Bedel, 1889, Hylotrypes bajulus Peyerimhoff, 1919, Hylotrypes bajulus syriacus Théry, 1896, Leptura quadri-punctata Geoffroy, 1785
Common name(s): EHB, European house borer.
Legal status: Declared Pest, Prohibited - s12
Prohibited organisms are declared pests by virtue of section 22(1), and may only be imported and kept subject to permits. Permit conditions applicable to some species may only be appropriate or available to research organisations or similarly secure institutions.
Presence in WA: Present
C1 - Exclusion / Prohibited
Organisms which should be excluded from part or all of Western Australia.
Remainder of the state
Whole of state
C3 - Management / Prohibited
Organisms that should have some form of management applied that will alleviate the harmful impact of the organism, reduce the numbers or distribution of the organism or prevent or contain the spread of the organism.
Whole of state