An interactive online map is now available to assist pastoralists, horticulturalists, miners and potential developers to identify potential water sources in the West Kimberley.
The La Grange Western Australia Groundwater Map, developed by the Department of Agriculture and Food, provides valuable data about the watertable depth and aquifer thickness.
Department research officer Nick Wright said the free map would save users time, money and effort in their search for freshwater.
“The map allows users to access high resolution aquifer data across the 3.5 million hectares of the La Grange groundwater allocation area, south of Broome,” Mr Wright said.
“The map illustrates that about eighty per cent of La Grange contains fresh Broome Sandstone groundwater, while areas closer to the coast have underlying salty water caused by proximity to the ocean and the ‘saltwater wedge.’
“By clicking on a point within the map, users are able to quickly and easily determine the depth to the water table and the thickness of the fresh water aquifer, which will assist decisions about investing in bores for irrigation and livestock.”
The map has been developed as part of the La Grange Agricultural Opportunities project, funded by Royalties for Regions to expand irrigated agricultural production in the Kimberley.
It is the first time for this area that such comprehensive data has been made available to the public. The map relies on compiled results from the department’s efforts to make available extensive airborne electromagnetic survey, drilling and monitoring data.
The department has worked closely with seven pastoral stations, three Traditional Owner groups and two horticulturalists on the project.
“Two of the Traditional Owner groups have already expressed interest in using the map and information generated by the project to assess irrigated agricultural opportunities on their land,” Mr Wright said.
“Information from the map will also be useful to existing and future irrigators, when designing farms and seeking approvals for diversification.”
To view the La Grange Western Australia Groundwater Map go here [1].
For more information about the project visit here [2].
Media contacts: Megan Broad/Jodie Thomson, media liaison +61 (0)8 9368 3937