The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) has offices and facilities situated throughout the state. We welcome enquiries and feedback and endeavour to make our information and services as accessible as possible.
Main contact details
Email: [1]
Head office
Address: 1 Nash St, Perth WA 6000
Postal: Locked Bag 4 Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983
Phone: +61 1300 374 731 (1300 DPIRD1)
See side menu for more contact details.
Infringement payment information
For information on paying infringements, please visit the infringement payment information webpage [2].
Animal Welfare in Emergencies on-call coordinator
Available 7 am - 8 pm Monday to Friday
Phone: +61 (0)8 9368 3132
Email: [3]
Hearing or speech impairment service
Clients who have a hearing or speech impairment can contact our department using the National Relay Service.
For clients with hearing impairments who use TTY or a computer with a modem:
Phone: 133 677
For clients with speech impairments who use the speak and listen service:
Phone: 1300 555 727
SMS relay: 0423 677 767
Need an interpreter?
This service is available for clients wishing to contact the department through an interpreter if English is not the client's first language.
Phone: 131 450
Ask to speak to the department on +61 1300 374 731 (1300 DPIRD1).
Can't find what you're looking for?
If you are looking for a topic/subject and cannot find it, we may be able to provide you with a contact or help you find the information from other sources.
Phone: +61 1300 374 731 (1300 DPIRD1)
Email: [1]
Reporting website problems
For website problems and/or enquiries, please email [1].
If a page you are looking for is not available, please advise us so we can correct the link. Please provide the URL of the page you are trying to access.
Report a security issue
If you believe you have found a security issue with this website, you can report it to us through our vulnerability disclosure program. For more information, visit the Vulnerability Disclosure Policy page [4].