Western Australian Organism List

The Western Australian Organism List (WAOL) database allows you to search for organisms declared under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act). It is not a complete list of all organisms in Western Australia or their attributes. Use the database to find the legal status of organisms, control requirements, declared pest species and more.

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A total of 23 results were found at 12:49 on 9th October 2024 when searching for cinctus.


  • Acridotheres albocinctus 
    Family: Sturnidae

    Common name: Collared Myna.
  • Aeolothrips collaris Priesner, 1919 
    Family: Aeolothripidae

    Synonyms: Aeolothrips brevicinctus Bagnall, 1934, Aeolothrips fulvicollis Bagnall, 1919, Aeolothrips meridionalis Priesner, 1948, Aeolothrips palaestinensis Priesner, 1935, Aeolothrips perclarus Melis, 1932. Common name: Thrips.
  • Anaphothrips sudanensis Trybom, 1911 
    Family: Thripidae

    Synonyms: Anaphothrips speciosus Hood, 1919, Euthrips flavicinctus Karny, 1912. Common name: None known.
  • Anterhynchium (Epiodynerus) nigrocinctus nigrocinctus (Saussure, 1853) 
    Family: Vespidae

    Synonym: Odynerus (Leionotus) nigrocinctus Saussure, 1853. Common name: potter wasp.
  • Bathyllus albicinctus (Erichson, 1842) 
    Family: Cercopidae

    Synonyms: Aphrophora albicinctus Erichson, 1842, Lepyronia albiguttata Walker, 1858, Lepyronia convexa Walker, 1851, Lepyronia moerens Stål, 1854.
  • Cephus cinctus Norton 
    Family: Cephidae

    Synonyms: Astatus cinctus, Astatus occidentalis, Cephus occidentalis. Common name: Wheat stem sawfly.
  • Charadrius bicinctus 
    Family: Charadriidae

    Common name: Double-banded Plover.
  • Ctenophorus caudicinctus 
    Family: Agamidae

    Common name: Ring-tailed Dragon.
  • Dacrycarpus cinctus (Pilg.) de Laub. 
    Family: Podocarpaceae

  • Dasypus novemcinctus 
    Family: Dasypodidae

    Common name: Nine-banded Armadillo.
  • Ectopsocus cinctus Thornton, 1962 
    Family: Ectopsocidae

  • Erythrogonys cinctus 
    Family: Charadriidae

    Common name: Red-kneed Dotterel.
  • Helicotylenchus multicinctus (Cobb 1893) Golden 1956 
    Family: Hoplolaimidae

    Synonyms: Anguillulina multicincta, Helicotylenchus iperoiguensis, Rotylenchus iperoiguensis, Rotylenchus multicinctus, Tylenchorhynchus multicinctus, Tylenchus multicinctus. Common name: banana spiral nematode.
  • Hercinothrips bicinctus (Bagnall, 1919) 
    Family: Thripidae

    Synonyms: Heliothrips bicinctus Bagnall, 1919, Heliothrips bifasciipennis Girault, 1926. Common names: smila thrips, banana-silvering thrips, banana thrips.
  • Hyposoter didymator (Thunberg, 1822) 
    Family: Ichneumonidae

    Synonyms: Anilastus schmiedeknechti van Burgst, 1913, Campoplex ruficinctus Gravenhorst, 1829, Ichneumon didymator Thunberg, 1822, Ichneumon rotundator Thunberg, 1824.
  • Leptoglossus phyllopus (Linnaeus, 1767) 
    Family: Coreidae

    Synonyms: Anisoscelis albicinctus Say, 1832, Anisoscelis confusa Dallas, 1852, Anisoscelis fraterna Westwood, 1842, Cimex phyllopus Linnaeus, 1767, Leptoglossus albicinctus (Say, 1832), Leptoglossus phyllopa (Linnaeus, 1767), Lygaeus phyllopus (Linnaeus, 1767), Theognis.... Common name: Leaf footed bug.
  • Menemerus bivittatus (Dufour, 1831) 
    Family: Salticidae

    Synonyms: Attus attentus Walcenaer, 1837, Attus cinctus Walckenaer, 1837, Attus foliatus Koch, 1867, Attus locustoides Walckenaer, 1837, Attus mannii Peckham & Pecham, 1883, Attus melanognathus Lucas, 1838, Attus muscivorus Vinson, 1863, Attus planus Taczanowski, 1872, Camponia lineata....
  • Oriolus flavocinctus 
    Family: Oriolidae

    Common name: Yellow Oriole.
  • Passer rufocinctus 
    Family: Passeridae

    Common name: Kenya Sparrow.
  • Patanga succincta (Johannson, 1763) 
    Family: Acrididae

    Synonyms: Acridium assectator Fischer von Waldheim, 1846, Acridium elongatum Walker, 1870, Acridium rubescens Walker, 1870, Acridium succincta (Johannson, 1763), Acridium zehntneri Zehntner, 1897, Cyrtacanthacris fusilinea Walker, 1870, Cyrtacanthacris inficita Walker, 1870, Cyrtacanthacris rubescens.... Common name: bombay locust.

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LGA names and boundaries as defined by Landgate (recent to Feb 2014).

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See the legend for keeping category meaning.


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BAM Act Definitions

Legal status

Each listed organism is declared under the Biosecurity Management act with certain legal requirements:

Declared Pest, Prohibited - s12

Prohibited organisms are declared pests by virtue of section 22(1), and may only be imported and kept subject to permits. Permit conditions applicable to some species may only be appropriate or available to research organisations or similarly secure institutions.

Permitted - s11

Permitted organisms must satisfy any applicable import requirements when imported. They may be subject to an import permit if they are potential carriers of high-risk organisms.

Declared Pest - s22(2)

Declared pests must satisfy any applicable import requirements when imported, and may be subject to an import permit if they are potential carriers of high-risk organisms. They may also be subject to control and keeping requirements once within Western Australia.

Permitted, Requires Permit - r73

Regulation 73 permitted organisms may only be imported subject to an import permit. These organisms may be subject to restriction under legislation other than the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007. Permit conditions applicable to some species may only be appropriate or available to research organisations or similarly secure institutions.

Unlisted - s14

If you are considering importing an unlisted organism/s you will need to submit the name/s for assessment, as unlisted organisms are automatically prohibited entry into WA.

Control categories

Declared pests can be assigned to a C1, C2 or C3 control category under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Regulations 2013. Prohibited organisms can be assigned to a C1 or C2 control category, the control categories are:

C1 Exclusion

Organisms which should be excluded from part or all of Western Australia.

C2 Eradication

Organisms which should be eradicated from part or all of Western Australia.

C3 Management

Organisms that should have some form of management applied that will alleviate the harmful impact of the organism, reduce the numbers or distribution of the organism or prevent or contain the spread of the organism.


Unassigned: Declared pests that are recognised as having a harmful impact under certain circumstances, where their subsequent control requirements are determined by a Plan or other legislative arrangements under the Act.

Keeping categories

The Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Regulations 2013 (BAM Regs) specify prohibited and restricted keeping categories for the purposes of regulating organisms declared under the BAM Act. In regards to the purposes for which they can be kept, and the entities that can keep them for that purpose. A keeping permit is the administrative tool used to assign specific conditions to the keeping of an organism.

Prohibited keeping

Can only be kept under a permit for public display and education purposes, and/or genuine scientific research, by entities approved by the state authority.

Restricted keeping

Organisms which, relative to other species, have a low risk of becoming a problem for the environment, primary industry or public safety and can be kept under a permit by private individuals.

Exempt keeping

No permit or conditions are required for keeping. There may be other requirements under BAMA such as those required for entry of livestock, pigeons and doves, or waybill requirements for stock movement. An organism in the exempt keeping category may also be regulated by other legislation such as the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 (WCA), administered by DPaW.

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If the species you are interested in is not listed on WAOL you may request to have it assessed. Please contact the Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS) on (08) 9368 3080 or email padis@dpird.wa.gov.au, and they will transfer you to the relevant person.