Hellula undalis (Fabricius, 1781)
Ashwania reniculus Pajni & Rose, 1977, Evergestis occidentalis Joannis, 1930, Leucinodes exemptalis Walker, 1866, Phalaena undalis Fabricius, 1781, Pionea geyri Rothschild, 1915, Pyralis lunulalis Costa, 1836, Scoparia alconalis Walker, 1859
Oriental cabbage webworm, cabbage borer, cabbage centre grub, cabbage webworm, cauliflower head borer, imported cabbage webworm, old world webworm, striped cabbage heart caterpillar.
Permitted - s11
Permitted organisms must satisfy any applicable import requirements when imported. They may be subject to an import permit if they are potential carriers of high-risk organisms.