Have a question for a vet? Come to the DPIRD shed at Wagin Woolorama
Local private and DPIRD vets will be at the DPIRD shed at Wagin Woolorama this year to answer all your questions about animal health. You can hear the latest about:
- how investigations by vets and surveillance innovations are benefiting WA producers
- subsidies for disease investigations
- common sheep diseases, prevention and treatment
- lamb survival
- biosecurity
- other animal health issues on your property.
While you are there, you can hear updates on the pilot Great Southern Cattle Surveillance Network, speak to officers in the Footrot Control Program and see the latest information on antimicrobial resistance.
DPIRD Brands officers will also be at the shed to assist you with the requirements of National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) Sheep.
The DPIRD shed is located at 626 Kitchener Street, Wagin Woolorama.
WA Livestock Disease Outlook highlights benefits of surveillance
Australia’s ability to sell livestock and livestock products depends on evidence from our surveillance systems that we are free of livestock diseases that are reportable or affect trade. The WA livestock disease outlook – for producers summarises recent significant disease investigations by Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development vets and private vets. Data from these investigations provide evidence that WA is free from these diseases and supports our continuing access to markets.
We welcome feedback. To provide comments, email waldo@agric.wa.gov.au. To subscribe, go to this webpage.