Feedback is sought from grain growers in the northern Wheatbelt on an interactive pilot map which highlights and reports on Department of Agriculture and Food field research conducted in 2014.
Development officer Andrew Blake said the pilot map was developed to provide a centralised site which included details about grains-related research, development and extension activities conducted by the department.
Feedback on the web tool will drive future improvements.
“The department’s agricultural research and development activities include an extensive program of field trials and demonstration sites throughout the State which is vital in delivering practical solutions to local issues and supporting the productivity and profitability of agribusinesses,” Mr Blake said.
“It’s important that information about our existing field-based research is easily accessible to stakeholders, particularly research partners such as growers, grower groups, research organisations and funding bodies.
“This new pilot online tool enables department researchers to provide details about research and development activities while they’re occurring, rather than waiting until trials are complete.
“Researchers input basic details about existing trials early in the season, and progressively update results as they come to hand.”
The pilot map highlights the location of 2014 trials with pins that can be clicked on for the trial name, research officer contact details and reports that include background information such as the aim, objectives and preliminary results where available.
Users can search the site for trial types including agronomy, variety, carbon and focus paddocks, or by crop variety. They can also search reports for existing grains, soils constraints, pastures and pulses trials.
Mr Blake encouraged stakeholders to visit the trial site pilot map available on the department website. To provide feedback on its usefulness, positive features and potential additional features, phone Andrew Blake on 9956 8564 or email

Media contacts: Jodie Thomson/Dionne Tindale, media liaison +61 (0)8 9368 3937