Windrow assessment for canola

The aim of this check is to ensure that the crop is at the right stage of maturity for windrowing. This will ensure that seed yield and oil content are maximised. Oil content and seed yield will be reduced when windrowing too early, and shattering losses will occur when windrowing is too late. Canola crops will usually be ready for windrowing somewhere between 24 and 28 weeks after sowing

Well laid canola swaths near South Stirling
Havesting gm canola field
Swathing canola

Assessing time of windrowing

  1. Collect 20 – 30 pods at random across the crop from the top, middle and bottom of the main stem, 15 to 20 days after the end of flowering, depending on climatic conditions.
  2. Shell out the pods and group the seed according to seed colour.
  3. Check the crop on a daily basis when the seed begins to change colour.

Rule of thumb: As soon as between 40 and 60 % of the seed has changed from green to fully brown or black the crop is ready for windrowing.


Page last updated: Thursday, 15 January 2015 - 9:22am