AgMemo - Livestock news, August 2018

Page last updated: Thursday, 16 August 2018 - 4:20pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Sheep Industry Business Innovation Project legacies

Sheep grazing in open field
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) recently completed the Sheep Industry Business Innovation (SIBI) project.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) completed the Sheep Industry Business Innovation (SIBI) project in June 2018.

The project supported the sheep industry by:

  • establishing dedicated sheep meat supply chains
  • increasing business and technical skills of producers and processors
  • maximising producers and processors’ business efficiency, productivity and profitability.

As the SIBI project has now concluded, knowledge gained through the project lives on through the below project legacies.

Confidence that sheep are a profitable component of a farming business

The SIBI project has increased investment in sheep as a component of the farming business, through research into business models, productivity and profitability.

Understanding the sheep industry value chain

SIBI improved stakeholder awareness of the complexity, value and sophistication of the sheep industry value chain. The project invested into supply chain development by working across all areas of the supply chain.

Building stronger relationships within industry

Stronger industry relationships have been built across all levels through training courses, industry events and field days. A key component of this legacy was the development of relationships with Aboriginal farmers, creating positive social impacts and increased business opportunities.

Increase professional capacity of the sheep industry

A project priority was to grow and develop the professional capacity of the sheep industry. This was achieved by encouraging new entrants into the industry through the sheep supply chain course, SIBI post graduate scholarships and stakeholder professional development courses.

Developing the Katanning Research Facility (KRF) as a national sheep research centre

SIBI invested into both people and resources to establish a facility available to be utilised by the broader industry. DPIRD remains committed to the continuous development of the KRF as a leading research facility. This work will continue to attract future research and increase collaboration between State Government and industry partners.

For more detail about SIBI’s work go to the department’s website