According to Western Australian legislation, only declared animals can be eliminated under a pest control program and only by a control method prescribed by the law. Refer to the Animal welfare section in the Bait and poison directory for vertebrate pests in Western Australia for how and why a pest needs to be declared before being baited.
For information on bait, poison and toxin (bait) products available for use in WA relevant to pest birds, see the information below.
Pest birds
Many different bird species are declared under the Biosecurity and Agricultural Management Act 2007.
Refer to Animal welfare section in the primary Bait and poison directory web pages for how and why a pest needs to be declared before being baited.
The Western Australian Organism List (WAOL) contains information on the area(s) in which a bird species has been declared and the control and keeping categories to which it has been assigned in Western Australia. However, only a few declared pest or prohibited bird species have baits registered through the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) for use against them. They are: sparrows (Passer domesticus and Passer montanus), starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), Indian mynas (Acridotheres tristis) and Emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae).
Pest bird control
Control of pest birds involves shooting, trapping, fencing and/or use of chemical bait products. Further information on managing pest birds and emus can be found through the following links:
- Pest animals: Birds
- State Barrier Fence
- Pest Smart: pest birds
- APVMA: PUBCRIS or Permits database for the most recent information on individual baits or poisons
Bait/toxin products
Several bait products are registered through the APVMA for use on pest birds. These products contain either 4-aminopyridine (Table 1), or alpha-chloralose (Table 2) as their active ingredient. One bait product containing strychnine is registered for use on emus (Table 3).
Two alpha-chloralose products are registered for use in WA on pest birds (Table 1).
Alpha-chloralose is a hypnotic compound with anaesthetic properties. It has been used for general anaesthesia in laboratory animals and also as an avicide and rodenticide overseas.
Access to this chemical is restricted in WA. It is a Schedule 6 poison and a restricted chemical product and can only be supplied to or used by an authorised person (NSW Department of primary industries: Pesticides used in the management of vertebrate pests).
Only licensed pest management technicians with a licence endorsement of ‘Feral Pigeons’ and alpha-chloralose printed on their plastic licence may access this chemical. Please note: most pigeons are not declared pests and therefore no defences exist for acts of cruelty in controlling pigeons under Animal Welfare laws. Those seeking to use this product to control starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) or sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita) will need to apply to the APVMA for a permit.
Products | Manufacturers/distributors |
4-aminopyridine products
One 4-aminopyridine product is registered for use in WA (Table 2). 4-aminopyridine is a potassium channel blocker that acts as a central nervous stimulant.
It is a Schedule 7 poison and a restricted chemical product and can only be supplied to or used by an authorised person (see Pesticides used in the management of vertebrate pests).
Products | Manufacturers/distributors |
Sterling Pest Control Pty Ltd |
One strychnine product is registered for use on emus in WA (Table 3).
Strychnine is a colourless and crystalline substance that interferes with the central nervous system. Most vertebrates are highly sensitive to strychnine.
Strychnine is a Schedule 7 poison. In WA its use and supply is bound by the Strychnine code of practice. Strychnine is only available to authorised suppliers and users who are trained to handle it safely (see Pesticides used in the management of vertebrate pests link).
Products | Manufacturers/distributors |
4Farmers Strychnine Alkaloid Crystals for the control of Wild Dogs and Emus |