Tactics for integrated weed management
Tactic name | Most likely % control (range) | Comments on use |
Crop choice and sequence | 80 (0–95) | Cheaper and easier to control in cereals. Avoid crops that don’t have good herbicidal control options |
Herbicide tolerant crops | 90 (50–95) | Very useful for non-cereal phase of rotations |
Inversion ploughing | 90 (80–99) | Use once on intractable infestations only and then don’t deep cultivate for many years |
Autumn tickle | 40 (20–60) | Depends on seasonal break. More effective when used in conjunction with a follow-up herbicide treatment or cultivation |
Knockdown (non-selective) herbicides for fallow and pre-sowing control | 75 (50–80) | Use robust rates |
Pre-emergent herbicides | 75 (50–80) | Can be variable depending on season. Subsequent crop choice may be limited after treatment |
Selective post-emergent herbicides | 90 (70–95) | Spray when young and actively growing. Repeat if required |
Grazing – actively managing weeds in pastures | 70 (50–90) | Doublegee is palatable to stock until formation of the spiny achenes. Useful for suppression and reduction of seed production, enabling favourable pasture species to actively compete |