
Page last updated: Wednesday, 17 February 2021 - 10:32am

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Tactics for integrated weed management

Table 1 Tactics that should be considered when developing an integrated plan to manage doublegee or spiny emex (Emex australis)
Tactic name Most likely % control (range) Comments on use
Crop choice and sequence 80 (0–95) Cheaper and easier to control in cereals. Avoid crops that don’t have good herbicidal control options
Herbicide tolerant crops 90 (50–95) Very useful for non-cereal phase of rotations
Inversion ploughing 90 (80–99) Use once on intractable infestations only and then don’t deep cultivate for many years
Autumn tickle 40 (20–60) Depends on seasonal break. More effective when used in conjunction with a follow-up herbicide treatment or cultivation
Knockdown (non-selective) herbicides for fallow and pre-sowing control 75 (50–80) Use robust rates
Pre-emergent herbicides 75 (50–80) Can be variable depending on season. Subsequent crop choice may be limited after treatment
Selective post-emergent herbicides 90 (70–95) Spray when young and actively growing. Repeat if required
Grazing – actively managing weeds in pastures 70 (50–90) Doublegee is palatable to stock until formation of the spiny achenes. Useful for suppression and reduction of seed production, enabling favourable pasture species to actively compete