Search Food and Beverage Professional Service Provider Directory

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Food and beverage producers may use this search to shortlist providers of professional services to the food and beverage industry in Western Australia.

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Search results

Total result(s) found: 368
  • Whole

    Region: Metro
    Service category: Product development, food technology, process engineering
    Service description: Whole has developed a revolutionary processing technology called WINX (Whole Ingredient Nutrient Extraction) that delivers a new class of whole-food ingredient. the technology uses ultra-high pressure to efficiently "explode" the cells of the input ingredient, significantly enhancing the nutritional value and making it more bioavailable. The technology is 100% free of any chemical processing, produces no waste, and maintains all of the nutritional goodness of the original ingredients.
    Contact name: Nick Stamatiou
    Phone number: 0421 330 498
    Address: 4 Brooklands Way, Mount Claremont WA 6010
    WA food and beverage industry testimonials: Dr john Ashton, Strategic Research Manager, Sanitarium.
  • FMCG Guru

    Region: Metro
    Service category: Sales, marketing, consumer insights, pricing strategies
    Service description: I collaborate with food and beverage manufacturers to help them sell more. In simple terms that means taking an idea or even a current product and ensuring it is sellable to both the retailer, who will list that product, and the customer in store who may not know this is the very product they have been looking for. I am able to offer specialist advice and services to businesses to enable them to deliver their business goals.
    Contact name: Samantha Watson
    Phone number: 0449 817 121
    Address: 11 Nemagold Grove, Coogee, WA 6166
  • Prof Consulting Group

    Region: International
    Service category: Product development, food technology, process engineering
    Service description: Prof. is an award winning Food Consultancy Business and brand growth engine with offices in Australia and the UK, operating internationally across all aspects of food manufacturing and private label leadership. Key areas of expertise cover 6 main strategic business growth areas: Private equity and venture capital. Product innovation Supply chain solutions Agriculture and food research Global imports and exports Business coaching and public speaking.
    Contact name: Samantha Watson
    Phone number: 0449 817 121
    Address: 11 Nemagold Grove Coogee WA 6166
  • Vintessential Laboratories

    Region: South West
    Service category: Food testing laboratories
    Service description: Wine, cider, beer, water, plant, soil, olive oil testing. Enzymatic test kits, export certification and wine microbiological testing. NATA accredited.
    Phone number: (08) 9755 9620
    Address: 15a Wrigglesworth Drive Cowaramup WA 6284
  • Symbio Laboratories

    Region: Metro
    Service category: Food testing laboratories
    Service description: Chemical, residue and microbiological testing for food and nutrition, environmental and agriculture. NATA accredited.
    Phone number: 1300 703 166
    Address: Unit 2, 2-4 Mallaig Way (cnr Modal) Canning Vale WA 6155
  • Merieux NutriSciences

    Region: Metro
    Service category: Food testing laboratories
    Service description: Food microbiology, chemistry, nutrition information panel, allergens, HACCP, water testing, environmental monitoring, challenge studies, shelf life testing. NATA accredited.
    Phone number: 1300 000 990
    Address: 181 Claisebrook Rd Perth, WA. 6000
  • Post-Harvest Biosecurity and Food Safety Laboratory

    Region: Metro
    Service category: Food testing laboratories
    Service description: Chemical residues. Analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in workspace. Bioassay on stored product insect with pesticide and fumigant. Seed germination and viability test. Nutrient testing analysis of protein, vitamins and irons (fluoride and bromide). ISO 9001certified.
    Phone number: (08) 9360 6403
    Address: Building 240, 90 South Street, Murdoch, WA, 6150
  • PathWest

    Region: Metro
    Service category: Food testing laboratories
    Service description: Microbiological. NATA accredited.
    Phone number: (08) 6457 1191
    Address: Level 2, J Block, QE11 Medical Centre, Nedlands WA 6009
  • EATS: Environmental and Agricultural Testing Services

    Region: South West
    Service category: Food testing laboratories
    Service description: Microbiological, water.
    Phone number: (08) 9721 7170
    Address: 5/4 Mummery Crescent Bunbury WA 6230
  • Chem Centre

    Region: Metro
    Service category: Food testing laboratories
    Service description: Nutrition information panel, fibre, allergens, microbiological, chemical. NATA accredited.
    Phone number: (08) 9422 9800
    Address: Level 2, Building 500, South Entrance Drive, Curtin University (corner Manning Road and Townsing Drive), Bentley