Farm management

To support Western Australian farm businesses, the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) provides farm planning workshops to build business skills, business capacity and a better understanding of the profit drivers in your business.

DAFWA also assists farm businesses and rural communities that are experiencing financial difficulty by supporting State and Federal assistance schemes that aim to build the ongoing financial resilience of our farm businesses.


  • Across Australia, $100 million will be invested annually in projects to strengthen drought resilience. These projects will:

  • The Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLC convened a forum at the Muresk Institute to discuss priorities for the Agriculture Climate Resilience Fund.

  • DPIRD delivers a series of free Soil Systems Master Classes to help farming businesses become more resilient, profitable and sustainable, while capturing carbon opportunities.

  • The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) provides this information to help people in the rural areas of Western Australia find the support and assistance they need to d

  • The role of the Rural Business Development Corporation (RBDC) is to properly and fairly administer assistance schemes for the rural sector on behalf of the State and delivers other services for the

  • Running a flock of sheep and raising lambs has both direct (enteric fermentation) and indirect (lime, fertiliser, fuel, production of feed) greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Nearly all biofuel systems (mainly biodiesel and bioethanol) produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels (diesel and petrol derived from fossil oil).

  • The aim of carbon farming is to sequester more carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as part of Australia's response to climate change.

  • Selective breeding of sheep is an option for decreasing methane emissions. Through selection, methane production can be lowered per unit of feed intake.

  • Soil organic carbon is a measureable component of soil organic matter.

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