Farming for perennial horticulture - featuring Dr. Christine Jones

If you are a small landholder, farmer, food supplier, industry service provider, student or consumer interested in food - join internationally recognised Australian microbiologist, Dr. Christine Jones in the Perth Hills and Swan Valley on Thursday 16 February for a day to discuss innovative perennial horticulture practices. 

Regenerative farming for perennial horticulture event on 16 Feb
Regenerative farming for perennial horticulture event on 16 Feb

Topics include:

  • Integrated livestock into perennial horticulture systems
  • Transitioning businesses to regenerative practices
  • Climate resilience business planning and value-adding opportunities for regenerative products
  • Market opportunities for regeneratively grown food

Draft program and speakers

Cost: $19.50
Register here

Regenerative farming for Perennial Horticulture is presented by Perth NRM, RegenWA and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. This event is supported by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s Soil Wise Program. Soil Wise is funded by the National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants – an Australian Government initiative. It is supported by Healthy Estuaries WA – a State Government program.

More regenerative farming systems workshops with Dr. Christine Jones can be found in Climate Resilience Events 

These events are supported by the Agriculture Climate Resilience Fund and is a collaboration between DPIRD,  Torbay Catchment Group, Perth NRM|RegenWA, Earthwhile Australia, Lower Blackwood LCDC, Wilson Inlet Catchment, The Serpentine Jarrahdale Food and Farm Alliance (SJFFA), Oyster Harbour Catchment Group Inc, South Coast NRM, Lower South West Growers Group, Galloway Springs and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Perth Hills and Swan Valley Project.

When and where

HostRegenWA and DPIRD Climate Resilience
Start DateThursday, 16th February 2023
Start Time10:00 am
End Time3:30 pm
LocationCore Cider House
35 Merrivale Road,
Pickering Brook, WA 6076

All DAFWA Events