
Page last updated: Thursday, 6 August 2020 - 1:30pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.


Digital Farm Grants Program

After a successful first round of the program, applications for Round 2 of the Digital Farm Grants Program were invited from prospective proponents.

Applications have now closed and are currently being assessed.

An additional $2 million has been allocated from the Agricultural Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund for this grants program over the next two years.

This program assists service providers to invest in communications infrastructure that will improve connectivity for further agribusinesses and communities across regional Western Australia.

Find out more about the Digital Farm Grants Program.


IoT grants announced

DPIRD's eConnected Grainbelt Project team was at Cunderdin in April 2019 for the announcement of the WA Internet of Things (IoT) DecisionAg Grants Program (pictured).

Minister for Agriculture and Food Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLC announced funding had been awarded to 15 projects located throughout WA.

Thirteen grower group and agricultural college recipients shared in $582,800 to implement and trial a range of connectivity solutions.

This initiative is designed to assist in overcoming challenges that remain with regards to ‘on-farm connectivity’.

Learn more about the IoT grants.


Contact information

eConnected Grainbelt


EConnected Grainbelt