
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development continues to support the growth and international competitiveness of all crop industries in Western Australia.

With a 2400 kilometre span from its tropical north to its temperate south, WA supports a broad range of cropping industries from rain-fed winter cereals through to irrigated horticultural crops.

In the 2012/13 year the WA cropping industries exported a total of $3.9 billion which comprised: $3.1 billion of cereals, $859 million of pulses, pastures and oilseeds, $142 million of horticultural crops. The major contributors to these exports were wheat ($2.7 billion), canola ($756 million), barley ($377 million), lupins ($42 million), carrots at $48 million, oats ($12 million), and strawberries at $5.5 million.


  • The final harvest at the netted demonstration resulted in the best crop of the three year project.

  • In this edition:

  • Correct nutrition of citrus trees is essential if they are to crop and perform to their maximum potential.

  • Fruit must meet minimum quality levels to meet consumer expectations and encourage return purchases.

  • Almost all of WA citrus fruit is sold in the local market. Fruit has been sent to export markets since 2015 and is increasing.

  • Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) staff can assist with citrus-related information in addition to a broader group of contacts and links to the national citrus indust

  • Brown spot is a fungal disease caused by Nothophoma quercina. It affects jujubes in Western Australia and has been reported in olives, pistachios and Chinese quince in other countries.

  • Gibberellic acid (GA) is used in citrus orchards to manipulate flowering and fruit development and reduce the incidence and/or severity of some physiological disorders that occur due to environment

  • Mangoes have been identified as a promising crop for organic production. They are suitable because of a low nitrogen requirement and relatively low incidence of pests and diseases.

  • This article provides the guiding principles to efficient irrigation of avocados.

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