The Indian ringneck, or Indian ring-necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri), is also called the rose-ringed parakeet or African ring-necked parakeet.
The Indian ringneck is a long-tailed, grass-green, red-beaked parrot, 37-43cm in length (body and tail). Male birds have a narrow black and pink collar which is absent from female and immature birds.
Indian ringnecks are very vocal with a variety of distinctive screeching calls. They can be identified by their typical shrill kee-ak call which is unlike that of any native parrot. Their flight is swift and direct with rapid wing beats.
Mistaken identity
Escaped Indian ringnecks are often mistaken for native parrots. At least four Australian parrots occur in urban areas where Indian ringnecks are likely to be seen. These species are of similar size to the Indian ringneck and have long tails. They are:
- Australian or Port Lincoln ringneck parrot (occurs in all states except Tasmania)
- red-winged parrot (occurs in northern and north-eastern Australia)
- eastern rosella (occurs in south-east South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales and south-east Queensland)
- red-rumped parrot (occurs in eastern South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and southern Queensland).