The Irrigate WA app was developed by the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) with funding from Royalties for Regions as part of the More Dollars per Drop Project.
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The Irrigate WA app will assist with the implementation of correct irrigation scheduling for a variety of crops, regions and soil types.
The Irrigate WA app will assist with the implementation of correct irrigation scheduling for a variety of crops, regions and soil types in Western Australia. It uses real time weather data from the network of DAFWA weather stations to calculate localised evaporative demand. Using farm specific plant spacing and irrigation system parameters it is then possible to estimate crop water use and provide a guide to correct irrigation duration and frequency. It is important to note that this application should be used in conjunction with soil moisture monitoring technology, as verification and modification of the schedule provided will be necessary.
The app has also been designed to act as a field diary, capable of tracking water meter readings and recording harvest details for each production area, allowing the calculation of water use efficiency bench marks.