Draft Standards and Guidelines for the Health and Welfare of Dogs in Western Australia (Dog Standards and Guidelines) were developed by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development in consultation with a writing group with members from the RSPCA WA, the Australian Veterinary Association, the Murdoch University School of Veterinary and Life Sciences, and Dogs West.
The department’s consultation on the Dog Standards and Guidelines ran from 10 April to 7 June 2019. More than 1300 online survey responses and over 100 written submissions were received by the department during the consultation period. The department appreciates the time taken by the WA community to comment on the draft Dog Standards and Guidelines and thanks all respondents for their input into the process.
The department has published a Consultation summary report which summarises the responses to the online survey and key themes raised in feedback to the draft Dog Standards and Guidelines.
Written submissions, where not marked as ‘confidential’, have been published here. Please be aware that some written submissions contain graphic images.
The finalised Dog Standards and Guidelines
More information on the Dog Standards and Guidelines, and a copy of the finalised document, is available here. The regulation of the standards is currently being progressed. The department will undertake further consultation in the future, following the development of the draft Dog Regulations. If you would like to be updated on the progress of the Dog Regulations, please email the department at dog.standards@dpird.wa.gov.au.